
Connecting world-leading innovators of peace

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world, indeed it’s the only thing that ever has

- Margaret Mead

Protecting ourselves from harmful extremism on and offline

Welcome To Groundswell

Groundswell offers the ability to connect with others who want to inspire change, build bridges and promote tolerance/understanding in their own community. We work with leaders in these communities, no matter how small, to accelerate and encourage activities that bring us together

Community Connection


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Sharing our knowledge on anti-hate, counter-extremism, community resilience building

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Kindness Mapper

Find, upload and reach organisations that empower your community

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Stronger Communities: One Person At A Time

Groundswell is about building empathy in communities. Helping neighbours find out that they are more the same than they are different. When we understand each other it becomes harder to mock, detest and hate and easier to band together on the things that matter in life for all of us. When we are together we are less vulnerable to harms.

  • Get to know new people in your community

  • Challenge stereotypes

  • Celebrate commonalities and the differences

  • Find local support dedicated to helping you

What We've Achieved

Organisations on the Kindness Mapper
Engagements with Peace Groups
Professionals Trained in CVE

Our Supporters

Fellows Of

In The News


I’d like to recommend Groundswell Project to all grassroots organisations working in youth empowerment, counter radicalisation, anti knife crime and other organisations like ours. They supported, connected us and always amplify our events. They have definitely helped our work at Salam Peace.

Mr Lee-South - Director of Salam Peace

I’m a Social Prescriber for the NHS. The Kindness Mapper has been a great tool to find help for people in need of Mental health, befriending, DV, youth services especially within BAME communities. It addresses the issue of health inequality perfectly.

Nusra Khan - Social Prescribing Link Worker

The Training Groundswell Project has offered was well delivered and researched. Listening to a survivor of DV and Radicalisation made it very clear that more needs to be done to address this serious issue.

Lewisham Council Officer

Our Work

Creating Safe Places for People to Discuss their Extremism Concerns

In recent months, Groundswell Project has grown much more into the ‘training’ space, with several courses and sessions available for local authorities and other organisations to take up as part of their ‘Prevent’ work or simply to inform their staff and clients more about key topics of interest.

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Focus on Phoenix Rising

One of the big successes of the Black History Month event we ran on 30 October was Phoenix Rising, a group of young steel pan drummers.

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Love thy Neighbour

The Love your neighbour exhibition documents the story of Muslims who rescued Jews during the Holocaust and went live on 20/01/2019.

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Connecting Professionals with Grassroots Groups

Groundswell Project has been instrumental in connecting large tech organisations like Google and Facebook and all the knowledge they have.

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